In this article, you will learn how to:
Meeting creation
- Create a meeting,
- Create an agenda,
- Clone a meeting,
- Create and use templates,
- Delete a meeting.
Agenda & meeting book
- Generate an agenda PDF,
- Generate a meeting book PDF.
Meeting Creation
Choose a meeting type

When you click on "New meeting", you have to select which type of meeting you want to organize, and you get to choose between:
Meeting: Event where the participants get together in a defined location to attend a meeting and follow the meeting Agenda in Sherpany.
Circular Resolution: Event where Directors can virtually or physically pass a Circular Resolution through Sherpany.
Set up the meeting
After choosing the type of meeting you want, you will be asked to set up the Details of the meeting.
Some fields are mandatory
- Meeting name
- Date
- Time
- Time zone
The others, even if not mandatory for creation, are important too:
- Participant: you can select users or groups as participants, as well as assign who can and can not edit the meeting.
- Non-Participant: you can select users or groups who will not be taking part in the meeting, but have access to the meeting and its documents. Non-Participants may also be granted editing rights to the meeting.
- Meeting Leader: you can select a user as Meeting Leader and toggle the option to have meeting feedback sent after the meeting.
- Location
- Conference Call: you can add a link or phone number to join the audio/video call, or add a physical location.
- Purpose of Meeting: Description of the purpose of the meeting.
- Custom invitation: you can add a PDF file to attach an invitation by browsing in your computer or using drag & drop. If you don't add any, a standard cover page will be shown.
When adding a group, you can select the permissions for each individual user within the group, or set the permissions for the entire group.
If you can’t see people or groups to add, please check user management to see if:
- Users have been created;
- Users have been assigned to the respective group;
- You are part of the respective group.
Then click on "Create" to go to the next step
To create an agenda, you will have to add agenda items and documents. To do so:
- Type in the title of the first Agenda item and press "Enter".
- Below the newly created agenda item, edit the details of the item and save it.
You can learn more about agenda items and permissions in this article, also learn how to add documents in this article.
You can edit your agenda as much as you want, don't forget to save the changes and publish again.
If you want to save time in organising recurrent meetings, you can choose to clone an existing meeting.
To do so:
- Choose a meeting
- Open the agenda
- Click on the icon on the upper right side of the page
- Confirm the cloning
- The details page of the cloned meeting will open, and you will be able to set it
- Remember to change the name of the meeting and the date as well
- Please keep in mind that documents will not be cloned, in the new meeting, including the invitation if added.
- If you don't change the date of the cloned meeting it will keep the original one, if you don't find your new meeting in the upcoming ones, it is probably close to the original one in the archives.
Templates are very useful if you often create meetings with the same agenda structure.
To create a template:
- Go to the agenda of the meeting
- Click on the icon with the three dots on the top right of the page
- Click on the “Create template” icon
- Name the template
- Click on the "Create template" button.
Templates are saved only for the user that creates them, or can be created from already existing meetings. However, if several editors need to use the same meeting template, the Administrator can still create a meeting test and invite these editors. Anyone with edit permissions in a meeting can save that specific meeting as a template to use.
To use a template:
- After announcing a new meeting,
- Choose one of the templates you created by clicking on it
Please keep in mind that documents will not be copied, in the new agendaIf you created a meeting by mistake, or you just need to delete, you just have to:
- Go to the details or the agenda of the meeting
- Click on the icon with the three dots on the top right of the page
- Click on the rubbish icon ("Delete meeting")
- Confirm the deletion

Delete a meeting is not reversible. If you deleted a meeting by mistake, you can contact our Customer Happiness team +41 (0) 44 515 89 60
[email protected]
Agenda & Meeting Book
How to generate an agenda in PDF?
- Go to the agenda of the meeting
- Click on the icon on the bottom of the page
- It will automatically start the download of the PDF on your browser. (You can be requested to allow the download from your browser.)
How to generate a meeting book in PDF?
The meeting book includes the details of the meeting, the agenda and the documents.
If you need to keep a digital record of all the meeting books, you can:
- Go to the agenda of the meeting
- Click on the icon on the bottom of the page
- It will automatically start the download of the PDF on your browser. (You can be requested to allow the download from your browser.) It can take a while depending on the quantity of documents in the agenda.