Support Centre

Partial attendance in a meeting - Access overview

In this article, you will learn:

  • What is the Partial attendance,
  • Why using this functionality,
  • How it works. 

What is the partial attendance in a meeting?

This feature has been introduced to solve a problem faced by meeting organisers when managing agendas with partial attendance. It provides a clear overview of participants and their access to different agenda items, ensuring that there are no gaps in meetings for those attending.

Why using the Partial attendance and its overview access?

  • For participants: They no longer need to constantly leave and rejoin the meeting, as the agenda items will be better organised for them.
  • For organisers: They can easily see who has access to which items, ensuring good attendance management for each agenda item.

How is this functionality working?

  1. Access through bulk actions on agenda items (adding items or documents).
  2. By clicking the “Access overview” button, a pop-up appears showing each participant’s access to each agenda item.
  3. Organisers can quickly see who has gaps in their access.
  4. It’s possible to select specific agenda items to display in the pop-up, which is useful in the case of long agendas or large participant lists.
  5. The option to show or hide documents is also included.

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