Support Centre

Tasks & decisions

In this article, you will learn :

  • How to create and assign a task or a decision
  • How to follow up on sort tasks & decision
  • How to change the status of a task or a decision
  • How to track changes of a task or a decision
  • How to import previously created task to a new meeting

How to create and assign a task or a decision?

During a meeting, while taking the minutes, the chairperson can create and assign tasks & decisions.

  1. In the "Minutes" tab, select an agenda item
  2. Click on "Add decision" or "Add task"
  3. Fill in the fields: 1. Decision taken; 2. Review date; 3. Assignee/Assignees/Groups (Only for tasks); 4. Save it.

Note: Have a look at this article to learn how to assign a task or a decision to an external user.

How to follow up on sort tasks & decisions?

You can have an overview of all the task & decisions in your room for a better follow up.
It's available under the "Tasks & decisions" page.

You can switch between tasks and decisions:

You can sort the tasks & decisions by:

  • Due date
  • Status

Search by:

  • Description

Filter them by:

  • Groups
  • Assignee
  • Status
  • Meetings
  • Is overdue (available for tasks only)
  • Has remarks (available for tasks only)

How to change the status of a task or a decision?

You can change the status of a task or a decision from the overview. Click on ''Change to update the status. A new dialogue will appear.

The second option to change the status of a task or a decision is to do it directly from the minutes of the meeting by clicking on the dropdown menu of the status.

You can also go directly to the minutes it belongs by clicking on the name of the meeting below the task or decision.


You can always change the assignee of a task, even after the creation of it, by opening the details of the according task.

How to track changes of a task or decision?

The Split view 

Here you can find a list of the available Tasks and Decisions, with extended filtering, and the possibility to open the detail of one on the side, with the possibility to edit its details.

To understand the full history of a task or a decision, you can find an action log of the task on the details screen.

Note: who can see this?

Only tasks and decisions that have been published with the status "Ready" will appear in the Tasks & Decisions lists, for both admins/editors and members.

Additionally, each user can view all activities assigned to them personally, as well as to the groups they belong to. This ensures that everyone stays informed about their responsibilities and the tasks relevant to their teams.

How to import previously created tasks to a new meeting

To better track the status of assigned tasks from past meetings, you have the option to attach these tasks to an agenda item of an upcoming meeting.

1. In the "Agenda" tab, select an agenda item

2. Click on “Import tasks” 

3. Select the tasks you d’like to review as part of the upcoming meeting

Once the tasks are attached to the agenda item. You have the possibility to change the status of a task and leave a remark, edit the task name, assignee or due date in case there are any changes and view the history of the task when checking the full details


For tasks or decisions that contain a written update with the latest status change, Sherpany will display a small icon on the row to inform users about changes. Thanks to this visual hint, the users will win time checking which tasks actually contain a written update and which do not.


Sherpany recommends following up on action items whenever possible asynchronously as part of the individual meeting preparation, and only discussing/reviewing tasks during the in-meeting time where there is actually a need to discuss.

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