Support Centre

Keep the data secure in Sherpany

In this article, you will learn:

  • Why this is important,
  • How to maximize the security of your information in Sherpany, 
  • How to wipe data remotely from a mobile app.

Why is it important to keep your data secure in Sherpany?

Data security is a cornerstone of Sherpany. In a world where we increasingly rely on digital solutions, protecting sensitive information is essential. At Sherpany, we are committed to providing you with tools that not only facilitate seamless online collaboration but also ensure a high level of data security.

Some special scenarios such as losing your phone, having it stolen, or leaving your company can put your corporate data at risk, which is why Sherpany offers security features to help you stay in control, no matter the circumstances.

How to maximize the security of your information in Sherpany?

In the settings of your Sherpany profile, you can find the section called "Security".

Here you can:

From Sherpany mobile app on iOS, you can also enable "Unlock with touch ID" in the security settings as well.

How to wipe data remotely from a mobile app?


For security reasons, this data wipe request is processed by our internal support team. Please contact [email protected] to initiate the request.

The mobile app can be used offline. In certain specific cases, it may be necessary to delete data on behalf of another user (e.g., if the user has left the company or is no longer able to access the device). In such cases, the Administrator (user with access to all content) may request remote data deletion for another user by contacting our support team. 

How this is working? 

  1. The Admin contact our support to provide all the information such as for which user and the device that was used,
  2. Our team go through the process to wipe the data for the intended user(s).
  3. On the next authentication or synchronization, the data will be deleted.

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