Support Centre


In this article, you will learn :

  • What's in your settings
    • Profile,
    • Notifications,
    • Meeting Check-in,
    • Security,
    • Login history,
    • Integrations,
    • Sherpany Ambassador,
    • Application.
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What's in your settings? 

Once you're logged into your Sherpany account, you will be able to access and change some settings.


The profile tab includes:

  • Picture,
  • Full name,
  • Phone number,
  • Email address,
  • Language of Sherpany.

To change any of this information, you must click on the "Edit" button and then "Save".


In the notifications tab, you have the option to manage your subscription to the Daily Digest email. 

The Daily Digest email is a daily sum up of all the individual email notifications you would regularly receive, combined into one email. These are also stripped of identifiable data, meaning if you have security concerns about data sent via email, the digest is a good solution to protect your data.

Meeting Check-in

This tab is here to help you to improve communication skills.

You can manage automatic check-in questions.


The security tab includes:

  • Futurae authentication app: from there, you will be able to remove or add your device to Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) using the Futurae App. More information on how to set up Futurae can be found here.
  • Change password: easily change your password account by clicking on "Edit" and then "Save".


    Changing your password will affect all the devices, so you will need to log out of your apps to login again with the new password.

  • Phone number to receive verification code: here you will be able to delete, modify or add your phone number as a method of authentication.


    In order to delete your phone number, you must have another valid authentication method set up. The system always requires at least one form of authentication to be present.

  • Your devices: here you will see the history of all the devices from which you once logged in and will be able to revoke the access in case of broken or stolen device, suspicious device or orphaned device.

Why I am not seeing some of the options?  

The settings menu options you have access to depend on your organization's allowed authentication methods. If your organization only permits Single Sign On (SSO), you won't be able to add other authentication types.

How to remove a phone number?

Step 1: Navigate to the "Security" section under your Settings category.

Step 2: Confirm removing phone number action by clicking the button "Remove phone number". Please note, you will not be able to log in by receiving a verification code to your number. 

Step 3: Please verify it’s you in the Futurae authenticator. To confirm removal, any verification method can be used:
  • A user can remove the Futurae device and verify the removal with Futurae,
  • A user can remove the phone number and verify it with the verification device sent to that phone number.

    We'll send you a verification code to remove your phone number from Sherpany.

Step 4: Confirmation that the phone number was removed.


The options have now changed: because the user now only has the device in Futurae set up as 2FA, they are now only able to change their device in Futurae, but can’t remove the device anymore.

Login history

It allows you to monitor the connections made with your account, which is a plus for your security.


This tab allows you to set your personal integrations.

Sherpany Ambassador

This tab allows you to enable or disable the Sherpany programs: Ambassador and/or Pioneer.

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