In this article you will learn:
- What are the confidentiality levels?
- How does it work?
- Where can you see this feature?
What are the confidentiality levels?
The “Confidentiality classification levels” system allows adding an additional protection layer to the data stored inside the Sherpany. As in any other classification system, the member will need to have security clearance to view or handle classified documents or to access classified meeting data. Confidential level restrictions are applied after any other restriction and limit the access to only properly classified members.
How does it work?
When the “Confidentiality classification levels” is enabled, the Administrator of the room needs to set the Classification Level for all the new users in the Room. Currently, Sherpany does support 3 levels:
1. Internal
2. Confidential
3. Secret
Users with Administrator roles have always the highest level - 3. Secret. During content creation like sharing a document in the Corporate library or setting up a new meeting the eligible person can classify:
- Agenda items
- Meeting document
- Corporate Library Document
While accessing the data in Sherpany, the member will have access only to the information with the same level as the one assigned to them or lower.
The classification levels are overridden i.e. when someone is an editor of a meeting they will see all content no matter their classification.
Examples: Basically, in the agenda, we treat confidentiality level as a default for custom permissions
Member has “2. Confidential” level set and the meeting document is classified as “3. Secret” which is higher in the confidentiality levels hierarchy. The user won’t have an access to this document.
Member has “2. Confidential” level set and the meeting agenda is classified as “1. Internal” which is lower in the confidentiality levels hierarchy. The user will have an access to this agenda item.
Member has “2. Confidential” level set and the Corporate Library document is classified as “2. Confidential” which is on the same level in the confidentiality levels hierarchy. The user will have an access to this document.
Where can you find this feature?
You can find this feature in:
- Meeting
- Library
- Member management
Classifications also apply to minutes & the meeting book
When classification level is set on the agenda item, every attendee and viewer who has their own classification level lower than the classification level of the agenda item is auto-excluded from this agenda item.
In the list of excluded participants are those automatically excluded by the classifications and those manually excluded.

Please note the number +3 means 3 (shown) +3 = 6 participants excluded.
When classification level of the member is updated in the member management section of the application, the access to already setup meetings is not adjusted. Example:
A member has classification level ‘2’
He is added to some meeting
There is an agenda item in the meeting with classification level 2
By definition, he will have access to this agenda item.
However, when the member’s classification level is edited to ‘’1’’, the access to said agenda item for existing meeting is not revoked.
When the member is added to a new meeting, he will be excluded from agenda items with level ‘’2’’ and higher.