Support Centre

The Admin Portal

In this article, you will learn :

  • What is the Admin Portal,
  • Who can use the Admin Portal,
  • What you can see in the Admin Portal and how to use it.

What is the Admin Portal?

Admin Portal is a Sherpany product that complements the Sherpany application where the existing modules are combined - User Management, Reports (former Auditor Self Service), and invoices (former Customer Portal).

Who can use the Admin Portal?

Admin Portal is available for the Executive, Enterprise, and Premium plans.

The only plan where it's unavailable is the Board, as there is usually not a dedicated IT admin who needs to access reports for audit purposes, such as seeing which device versions are being used by the user.

The Admin Portal is per Organisation. This means that all Rooms will be displayed for the User and Reports module. 

Within these organisations, a specific role will have a special access : the Organisation Administrator role. This role can access all the modules of the Admin Portal. 

These setups are usually done during the room creation or Onboarding phase. If you would like to know more about how to be an Organisation Administrator, feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Manager at Sherpany.

What can you see in the Admin Portal and how to use it?

You can find the Admin Portal in the settings of Sherpany > Admin Portal.

In the Portal, you will be able to see the following sections : 

  • Members : Here you can add or manage members. As an Organisation Administrator, you can invite Administrator, Member, Assistant, Editor and User Management Admin (if enabled in the Room).
  • Reports : Here you can monitor usage across your organisation.
  • Invoices : To manage subscriptions and invoices.

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