In this article, you will learn :
- What is an organisation, a group, a room,
- What is Open Model and Closed Permission Model,
- The different roles available for each Model,
- The functionalities available for each role.
What is an organisation, a group, a room
- An organisation is basically the customer towards Sherpany, the company that signed a contract with Sherpany. An organisation can have multiple rooms.
- A room is a self-contained object separated to the database. A room consists of meetings, documents, the library, tasks and decisions, group and user management. Data can not be shared between rooms. However, a user can be part of multiple rooms.
- A group consists of one or more users within the same room and has a name, a colour and a maximum of three initials. Comparable to a distribution list in an email application, with groups it is more efficient and safer to define a certain set of users as e.g. attendees of a meeting.
What is Open Model and Closed Permission Model?
Within "Roles and Permissions" feature, we’re offering two distinct permissions models: the “Open Model” and the “Closed Model”. These models provide different approaches to managing meeting permissions based on your needs and preferences.
Please check here more detailed information about the functionalities and recommendations for each Model.
The different roles available
- User with restricted permissions
- User
- Assistant
- User + Group management
- User + User management
- User + User management + access to all content
- Organisation reports + Group management + User management
- Guest licence

User with restricted permission
(Internal abbreviation: URP)
- have access to meetings they have been invited
- have access to documents in the library that were shared with them
- can’t create or edit meetings
- can create new meetings
- for any groups in the open model
- only for their groups in the closed model
- can use all meeting-functionality such as publish and notify
- can upload & share documents in the library
- access to meetings they have been invited
- access to documents in the library that were shared with them
User + Group management
(Internal abbreviation: UGM)
This person can do everything a user can, plus:
- Edit the groups they’re assigned to as “group managers”
- Create new groups
User + User management
(Internal abbreviation: UUM)
This person can do everything a user can, plus:
- Create new users and edit existing users
- Create new groups and edit all groups
User + User management + access to all content
(Internal abbreviation: UUM+)
This person can do everything a user + user management can plus:
- Edit all meetings in this room
- Edit all Topic Hub requests in this room
- Edit all documents in this room
Organisation Administrators + Group management + User management
(Internally called: Super Admin)
Managing the application on an organisation level, including users & reports. No access to individual rooms.
This person can do everything the assisted person can, however, they always only have access to the Attendee View Mode of Sherpany.
I.e. for now, Assistants can NOT edit meetings on behalf of the assisted person.
Guest licence
A guest licence holder will always be marked as a guest in all meeting documentation, including PDFs. A guest licence holder
- Can access meetings and agenda items they have been invited to,
- Can access Topic Hub and submit topics,
- Can’t access the library,
- Can’t create or edit meetings.