Support Centre

Download and/or print documents on mobile devices

In this article, you will learn:

  • Why we can't download or print documents from Sherpany App,
  • The workaround to know.


Sherpany has no printing feature on any of its environments (web, iOS, Android or Windows). If there is a need to print a document, the user must download it and then print it using the browser, Acrobat reader, or another PDF reader of its preference.

However, it is only possible to download documents from Sherpany in the web version, we do not allow it in the mobile versions. This constraint exists due to security reasons, and it impacts documents, meeting books, agenda PDFs and minutes PDFs.

Why can't we download or print documents from Sherpany App?

A mobile device is most of the time a personal device, outside the enterprise security context. Because of this, it might have other unsecured applications (games, social networks, or even malware), and/or might not be so protected with company security software (antivirus and security policies enforcement software). Also, those devices are usually easier to steal or to get lost. A laptop is usually more protected and less subject to getting lost or stolen, and above all, the company can better control the level of security there.

While the documents are in the device inside Sherpany, they are encrypted and protected even if the device gets lost. The user can even delete all the documents remotely if the device gets lost or stolen, but only if the files are inside Sherpany. If they are on the device, but outside Sherpany context, we cannot provide that level of security.

Workaround to know

For your information, in case you really need to extract information from the application, it is always possible to open the browser on your smartphones or tablets, and download it from there, yes. But still, we do not recommand the download of such important documents on these kinds of devices. 

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