In this article, you will learn about:
Meeting notifications
- How to send a notification to members
- How to see the history of notifications sent
Corporate library notifications
- How to send a notification to members
- How to see the history of notifications sent
How to send a notification to members?
There are two most common uses of the notifications in meetings:
- Notify the attendees that the meeting was published and is now accessible
- Notify the attendees that changes have been made in the agenda
The notifications are not sent automatically after publishing, if you want to do so you must:
- Click on the "Email" icon on the top right of your screen
- Type in your message, and avoid using the characters < > ; $ =
- You can select the attendees to whom you want to send the notification, it doesn't have to be to all members.
- And then click on "Send", it will trigger an email to the selected members.
How to see the history of notifications sent?
If you need to know if a notification was sent in a meeting, you can check the history of notifications.
You will find it by clicking on the three dots on the top right and then selecting ''View History''.
Then selecting the tab "Notifications", there you'll have all the info you need:
- When it was sent
- By whom
- To how many members
- What was the message
Note: In ''General'': you can also see which actions have been made from which users. For instance, if a user has downloaded a file.
How to send a notification to members?
In the Corporate Library, after uploading documents, you can inform members that they can now have access to it by sending them a notification.
- Select one or several documents by clicking on the left of each document
- It will open the bulk action toolbar that allows you to select several documents at once
- Then you can click on "Notify"
- Type in your message, and avoid using the characters < > ; $ =
- You can select the attendees to whom you want to send the notification, it doesn't have to be to all members.
- And then click on "Notify", it will trigger an email to the selected members.
How to see the history of notifications sent?
If you need to know if a notification was sent, you can check the history of notifications.
You'll find it, by repeating the same steps as to send a notification. In the pop-up window, you'll find "Notification history" right next to the button "Send".
There you'll have all the info you need:
- When it was sent
- By whom
- To how many members
- What was the message